DOI:10.29111/ijlrst ISRA Impact Factor:3.35, Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal
Nuclear Physics / Medical Physics Hakim?Sabzevari University Sabzevar, Iran
Molecular Genetics And Biotechnology Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Computer Science National Dairy Research Institute (Indian Council Of Agricultural Research), Karnal, India.
Computer Science And Engineering, Dalian University Of Technology
Habilitation?Thesis?To Supervise Research ?Hdr? Annaba University
Mechanical Engineering House Number: E-106 Princess Park, Sector-86 Faridabad (Hr.) - 121002
Physics Electronics And Communication Engineering Professor, Department Of Applied Physics Electronics And Communication Engineering,Islamic University, Kushtia-7003, Bangladesh.
Pharmaceutics P. Wadhwani College Of Pharmacy, Yavatmal(Ms)
Department Of Mathematics Anand International College Of Engineering,Jaipur, Rajasthan.India- 303012.
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering, Amirkabir University Of Technology
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