
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.6 Issue 6, pp 12-14,Year 2017


Er. Narinder Singh , Er. Kshipra Kapoor

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Received : 05 November 2017; Accepted : 12 December 2017 ; Published : 31 December 2017

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Article No. 10765

This paper summarizes the continuous explores about the trial research on the utilization of bagasse ash. Increasing the demand and consumption of cement, researchers and scientist are in search of developing with increasing demand and consumption of cement, investigators and scientist are in search of developing alternate binders that are sustainable and contribute towards waste management. The use of mechanical and rural waste delivered by modern procedures has been focus of waste lessening research for monetary, natural and specific reasons. Bagasse ash has been artificially and physically represented and partially supplanted by weight of cement concrete that is slump test, compressive strength test and flexural strength test were attempted.

Key Words   
Coarse and Fine aggregate, Sugarcane bagasse ash, Partial
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To cite this article

Er. Narinder Singh , Er. Kshipra Kapoor , " Substitution Of Bagasse In Concrete- A Review ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 6, Issue 6, pp 12-14 , 2017

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