
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.5 Issue 6, pp 35-42,Year 2016


Mohamed SBAI,MokrimAbdelaziz, El Aboudy Ahmed, Said LAARIBYA

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Received : 23 November 2016; Accepted : 03 December 2016 ; Published : 31 December 2016

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Article No. 10693

Temperature and precipitation data from 28 stations in the Middle Atlas of Morocco were used to characterize the monthly water balance in the study area base on Thornthwaite model. Yearly AET and PET were estimated using Turc and Penman equation respectively, and the water balance and its components (runoff and infiltration) were determined for each station in the four regions. Based on the water balance parameters, climate and bioclimatic potential productivity index of each station were characterized.

Key Words   
Middle Atlas, water balance, runoff, infiltration, climate and bioclimatic potential productivity in
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To cite this article

Mohamed SBAI,MokrimAbdelaziz, El Aboudy Ahmed, Said LAARIBYA , " Water Balance And Climate Characterization Of The Middle Atlas In The Morocco ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 5, Issue 6, pp 35-42 , 2016

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