
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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Poisson's Ratio in the Choice of Thicknesses of Layers of a Pavement Structure in Lateritic Natural Grave

Research Paper Open Access

International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.1 Issue 2, pp 65-69,Year 2012


Madjadoumbaye Jérémie,Lezin Seba Minsili,Magoua Paul,Takoukam Sandeu Franck,Tamo Tatietse Thomas

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Received : 10 August 2012; Accepted : 15 August 2012 ; Published : 31 August 2012

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Article No. 10020

This study is part of optimizing quality and cost of the design of a pavement structure in Lateritic Natural Grave (LNG). It focuses on the problem of taking into account the influence of Poisson's ratio assigned to the material constitution of a roadway, especially for rational methods of design, in the elastic range. In order to initiate the development of a local standard for this parameter, we carry out an experimental characterization of Poisson's ratio of LNG from the unconfined compression test on the materials used in the construction project of a 7km stretch of road Bafoussam in Cameroon. Depending on the extreme values (0.25 and 0.50) can take Poisson's ratio for different materials, we notice a change in thickness of the layer of pavement that LNG is about 3cm. Knowing the value of Poisson's ratio of the LNG will prevent a bad design can be an oversized (to earnings) or a undersizing (very rapid onset of degradation). In the case of our project, this is an under-sizing of 7cm of foundation’s layer.

Key Words   
Roadway, Natural Gravely Laterite, Poisson’s ra
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To cite this article

Madjadoumbaye Jérémie,Lezin Seba Minsili,Magoua Paul,Takoukam Sandeu Franck,Tamo Tatietse Thomas , " Poisson's Ratio In The Choice Of Thicknesses Of Layers Of A Pavement Structure In Lateritic Natural Grave ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp 65-69 , 2012

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