Frequently Ask Question

Ans : All papers must be submitted through our online submission system i.e MTS , in which the paper status can easily be tracked. All figures and tables should be combined with the text as a single MS Word for submission.

Ans :  You are suggested to format your manuscript according to the Manuscript Preparation instructions. You can download the paper template . Papers should be submitted to us through our online submission system i.e MTS in MS Word .

Ans :  You will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail as well as manuscript id if you have uploaded the paper successfully. Your paper will then be checked by our editor and forwarded to the domain reviwer.

Ans :  Papers that are of a high standard, written in good English, that do not require many comments, are quicker to review than those requiring extensive changes. Therefore, ensure your paper is of a high technical standard, free from errors and typos, and have it checked before submission by a native English speaker.

Ans :  You should make any effort to recommend reviewers. This will improve the review process and publication efficiency of your paper. However, if you don't have any candidate. we will help you to find good reviewers.

Ans :  Yes, there are no restrictions on the type of paper that may be published with MNK Publication.

Ans :  The corresponding author will give the signed declaration on the behalf of all author's.The decalation is included in the cover letter. It will be uploaded at the time of manuscript submission.

Ans :  Yes, a Cover Letter is required. It can be submitted via the Paper Submission System together with the manuscript or sent to the Editorial Assistant separately via e-mail.

Ans :  Yes. All MNK Publication journals are made freely available online, we guarantee that no university library or individual reader will ever have to buy a subscription or buy access through pay-per-view fees to access the papers published in MNK Publication journals. In order to cover the costs of providing and maintaining a publication infrastructure, managing the journals, and processing the papers through peer-review and the editorial procedure, the journal charges a publication fee which is normally covered by the author's institution or research funds. The publication fee is required to be paid upon acceptance of an article for publication. MNK Publication grants discounts on publication fees for authors of Lower- or Middle-Income Countries.

Ans :  You can make an APC payment via PayPal, Bank wire transfer, credit card or Western Union. Author can get payment link of their accepted manuscript by login the manuscript tracking system.Detailed payment instructions can be found on the manuscript tracking system.

Ans :  It usually takes about 2-4 weeks. Please contact the Editorial Assistant if you want to know the status of your paper.

Ans :  We will try to publish your paper as early as possible, but the time between acceptance and the creation of the full text version depends on how quickly you provide your final version. Normally, it will appear online around 3 weeks after all the publication procedures are completed.

Ans :  Yes, our journals are indexed by many databases. 'Indexed' means here simply 'included in the database'. The index contains the metadata of MNK Publication's articles. Most important metadata are authors, title, abstract, year of publication, and the link to the full paper at MNK Publication.Further get complete detilas form the journal indexing page

Ans :  Ensure the paper :-
- is relevant to the Journal and within its scope
- is of a high technical standard
- is written in excellent English and free from errors
- cites several papers alreay published in the MNK Publication.