
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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Towards Quality Decision Making for Subsoil Investigation; Site Class and Potential Surface Movement Resultants Cracking Buildings in Perth, Western Australia

Open Access

International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.10 Issue 2, pp 24-33,Year 2021


Shariful Malik*, Mohammad Amzad Hossain

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Received : 11 May 2021; Accepted : 15 July 2021 ; Published : 30 August 2021

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Article No. 11023

The issues impacting the modern buildings cracking have many folds ranging from physical attributes to geological factors. The literature reveals that the expansive soil is widely spreaded all over Australia that cause a great anxieties in house owners and technical industires for sustainable building development, protecting structural failure based on sound structural and geotechnical principles (Sun et al., 2017 p. 3960). To mitigate these nationwide challenges, a national standard, AS2870, was established in 1986 to provide a guide for the building industry(AS 1996, p.7). Although a standard was adopted, quality decision making is inevitable along with this Standard for the best outcome that promotes a comprehensive outlook in envisaging safety measures. Nonetheless, To accommodate an extra 1 million population by 2050, targeting 50% urban infill, the Perth Metropolitan Area has enormous pressure on releases new urban building and corridors (WAPC, 2010). Moreover, due to the current Pandemic, Australian Federal Government offered various stimulus packages to keep running the building industry, leading to more infrastructure development (ABC, 2020), where there are aggravated risks without comprehensive decision making, policy and practices. A responsive, quality decision-making and context sensitive geotechnical investigaton is critical to lowering the probability of risks on structural, financial, and life-threatening. The results show that without quality decision making at an early stage and without proper investigation, it can create significant risks in infrastructure development. In many cases, it is almost impossible to rectify or reinstate the cracks without a new build or to adopt expensive technology in a dense suburban area that is unbearable in most cases for building owners. To explain such a scenario, the study is brought a single case study due to limited text. However, authors have significant experience, warranted similar challenges on many occasions in the past two decades. The study concludes that the findings will be helpful to understand towards quality decision making for subsoil investigation through a context-sensitive approach, where the site classification and the potential surface movement due to cyclic soil shrinkage and swelling arising from soil moisture variation result in cracking the lightweight structure (residential buildings) in Perth, Western Australia.

Key Words   
Subsoil Investigation, geology and geotechnical, Quality decision making, ground movement, Sustain
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To cite this article

Shariful Malik*, Mohammad Amzad Hossain , " Towards Quality Decision Making For Subsoil Investigation; Site Class And Potential Surface Movement Resultants Cracking Buildings In Perth, Western Australia ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp 24-33 , 2021

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