
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.9 Issue 5, pp 0-0,Year 2020


Received : 17 September 2020; Accepted : 26 September 2020 ; Published : Under Review Process .......

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Article No. 11007

This paper addresses the different Cross-Disciplinary (CD) aspects of EE and SDE which is a subsystem of Sustainable Development (SD) using the most effective methods based on System Theory (ST) the ISA . The paper will address the roles of Bio-Fuels (BFs) and Integrated Bio-Refineries (IBRs) on EE and SDE and the relations between them where EE is a subsystem of SDE. The paper will also address the main integrated membrane reactors for minimizing energy consumption by coupling endothermic (endo) , e.g.: dehydrogenation (dehydro) reactions and exothermic (exo) , e.g.: hydrogenation (hydro) reactions in order to achieve autothermicity (autotherm) or at least minimize the external heat needed in an industrial complex. The paper is also presenting another type of autotherm based on Reactor-Regenerator (React.-Regen) catalyst recycling units, the most popular is the different types of Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) units in petroleum refining industry for production of high Octane number gasoline from gas-oil. The principle is applicable to other reactions. The paper addresses the technical, social and educational aspects of these CD systems. The paper has Chemical and Biological Engineering (CBE) as the heart of analysis and discussion. The development of societies, depletion of classical energy sources, global warming, etc., dictates a CD approach to deal with modern challenges. This CD approach should extend the boundaries of different scientific and engineering disciplines to reach all other disciplines including, economics, politics and other social sciences. It is about time for engineers, scientists, medical doctors, economists, politicians, military officers and specialists, etc. to join arms in CD projects to achieve sustainability for a better , stable, peaceful , non-sectarian, prospers and more just societies. This paper aims to introduce common basis for these disciplines to work together toward these honorable aims.

Key Words   
Sustainable Development (SD), Sustainable Development Engineering (SDE), Environmental Engineeri
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, " Integrated System Approach (isa) To Environmental Engineering (ee) And Sustainable Development Engineering (sde) ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 9, Issue 5, pp 0-0 , 2020

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