
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.6 Issue 2, pp 14-19,Year 2017



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Received : 20 January 2017; Accepted : 25 March 2017 ; Published : 30 April 2017

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Article No. 10715

Our study is enquiry dealing one the essays realized by LUKUSA (2001) and MOTUTE (2002) one the irrigated rice. The authors cuts realized the comparative studies of the answers of has local variety of rice in the burying of green manure, Azolla pinata, and in to spread of ur E has in A shallow hydromorphic in Kisangani. The obtained result hood shown that 6 Tone of dry matter of green manure produced in the field from year inoculums of 0,50 kg of Azolla/m 2 had has fertilizing power equivalent to 80 kg N/ha coming from 173,83 kg/ha of ur E has dosing 45% of nitrogen. The obtained yields with the green manure being statistically similar and significantly superior to this obtained with the not fertilized witness, the authors had concluded that in their experimental conditions, the green manure Azolla could Be substituted advantageously in ur E has. The present enquiry aims At testing the economic implications of obtained results by the authors cited beyond by comparing the misses of respective rent ability of applied treatments. For obtaining the necessary dated to the estimate of the rent ability misses of different farming technical, we cuts used the technical of enquiry per documentation and interview. In the first box, we cuts consulted the accountant documents of Institute Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, IFA in shorts. In the second box, we cuts interrogated the researchers, the technicians and the workers of IFA who had participated to the experimentation. We cuts also to collect has complement of information near the persons implicated in the culture and the commercial circuit of rice. The parameters dealt for our enquiry are the following. - The funds used in the preparation of the ground including: • The clearance and the plowing; • Fitting-out of irrigation system and the drainage. - The funds of to sow of the culture including: • Installation of seed bed. • To transplant. - The funds of acquisition of seeds and of intrants - The funds of implementation of green manure. - Agricultural The fund of purchase of material. - The fund of maintenance - The fund of crop, transportation and stocking - The fund for workers - The dirty price of crop - Cultivated surfaces area From these parameters, we cuts determinate the following variable: the production, the cost of production the income, the rough profit margin and financial rent ability of different farming technical. The obtained results cuts shown that the cost of the work relative to the ascribable utilization of Azolla is inferior to this to ur E has, aim relatively superior to that of the traditional method of production. One the agricultural plan of utilization of tool, the treatment in Azolla revealed identical to the traditional method, aim neatly less expensive then the ur E A. The Azolla permits then has to go along utilization of agricultural tool. The increasing of the cost of production in particular this of the lab our due to the fertilization, went with the improvement of the rough production and the income more significant under Azolla than under Ur E A. The beneficiary profit margin is remained however negative under all the treatments, more negative render the urea and the traditional method than under Azolla, to lead to the respective financial lost of the order of 433; 690 and 633$/ha. In relation to witness, the relative lost were of 0, 68 and of 1, 09, respectively under Azolla and urea indicating hence the Net superiority of the first one the second and one the traditional system of production. In splashes of the negative result in the first culture, it is permitted to hope the profitability of the uses of Azolla in length term, thanks to the favorable share of back effect of organic matter one the fertility of soil. The rent ability edge however Be more quickly improved by reducing the cost of work.

Key Words   
Production ,Azolla, hydromorphic
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To cite this article

Doctorant Ir Benjamin OWENDIONGO LOWA BOLONGOLA , " Comparative Study Of The Profitability Of The Culture Of Irrigated Ricesmoked With Urea And Azolla In Ferralitic Soil In Kisangani. ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp 14-19 , 2017

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