
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.5 Issue 2, pp 25-30,Year 2016



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Received : 12 April 2016; Accepted : 21 April 2016 ; Published : 30 April 2016

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Article No. 10632

Samin is a one of communities that has negative impression in Indonesia. It deals with Samin people minds that have quite simple thought. The goal of their life such as Demen, Becik, Rukun, Seger, Waras. There are some prohibitions in the act as follow; Jrengki (defamation), srei (greedy), panasten (irritability/ hate each other), dahpen (accuse without proof), kemeren (jealous/envious.those teaching creates a sense of great solidarity in Samin communities to anyone they meet. This research used qualitative approach that has purpose to (1) to know positive values of local wisdom in Samin; (2) to understand about dynamic of religious life and how to manage Samin’s local wisdom in preserving the religious harmony. The result of the study found that some of local wisdoms related to religious harmony still exist until now. The values of religious harmony in manganan tradition (sedekah bumi), kenduri idul fitri, sanga night, sambatan, rewang and jagongan still survive in Samin communities in Blimbing.

Key Words   
local wisdom,harmony and Samin community
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To cite this article

Rosidin , " Role Of Local Wisdom In Preserving The Religious Harmony Of Samincommunity In Blimbing Blora ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp 25-30 , 2016

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