
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.5 Issue 1, pp 5-10,Year 2016


TsouliFaroukh Amal , Pr. Rachid Tellal , Pr. Mohammed Qarro

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Received : 05 January 2016; Accepted : 28 January 2016 ; Published : 29 February 2016

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Article No. 10602

The Benslimane forest extends in north of Benslimane city over a rough area of 12 262 hectares. It to be part of the geographical region of the Atlantic cork oak forests.The present study, based on the use of space remote sensing and systems of geographical information (SIG), has as main objective to detect forest dynamics in the forest massif of Benslimane composed in most cases of the cork oak, Tetraclinis and secondary species.This Study allowed the elaboration of the maps of evolution of the benslimane forest, during last 20 years (between 1994 and 2013), by being based on two different methods from treatment of satellite images multidate (Landsat TM and Landsat 8): the calculation of the index NDVI and the classification object-oriented (C.O.O.).The technical of C.O.O. proves to be the best according to comparison between both methods. The approach of the dynamics of the plant communities is performed due to the superimposing of the negative and positive coats of evolution with the map of stands types, established in 1994-1998. After verification field, we elaborated the parcel evolution map of the stands.In the light of acquired results, it has been found a decline of 35 % of the area of cork oak (Qs) and 50 % of the area of Tetraclinis in comparison with their initial areas in 1994. So, the forest stand of Benslimane forest had in course of time a negative dynamics. Thing which imposes immediately the installation of a management strategy of this so precious national natural heritage.

Key Words   
remote sensing; SIG; deterioration; forest dynamics; NDVI; C.O.O; evolution; declin
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To cite this article

TsouliFaroukh Amal , Pr. Rachid Tellal , Pr. Mohammed Qarro , " Evaluation Andanalysis Of Forest Dynamics Of The Forest Ofbenslimane, Morocco ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp 5-10 , 2016

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