
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.4 Issue 6, pp 51-61,Year 2015


MarÃŒa Isabel Rivera Vargas

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Received : 18 December 2015; Accepted : 22 December 2015 ; Published : 31 December 2015

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Article No. 10592

Within the globalization context characterized by unstable settings involving strong competition, small and medium size firms in developing countries face a growing and urgent demand for technological catching up and innovation. Therefore, taking the dynamic capacities, as central concept of the resource-based view, and after observing the failure of some developing countries to take advantage of the growing international movement of production factors as well as knowledge and technology, this paper argues that in order to achieve innovation, high performance and competitiveness it is necessary to build an strategy consisting of a synergic combination of organizational learning with an appropriate leadership style framed by a context of systemic planning. By using analytical-synthetic methodology, in the first part, after the introduction, this paper provides and analyses empirical evidence which sustain that organizational learning is an important strategy that enable organizations to respond in an expeditious way to market opportunities. Following this, in the second section, the paper provides and analyses the arguments and empirical evidence in favor of competing leadership styles: transformational /transactional, and their impact on organizational learning to achieve innovation, high performance and competitiveness. The following section discuss the important role of systemic planning using a success case study, which shows how using organizational learning, under a unique leadership style and within a systemic planning context Korea was able to achieve innovation levels and sustainable industrial development. The final section concludes proposing a strategy to achieve innovation, high performance and competitiveness which considers systemic planning as essential context for an organizational learning process under the appropriate leadership style.

Key Words   
organizational Learning; transformational leadership; transactional leadership; systemi
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To cite this article

MarÃŒa Isabel Rivera Vargas , " Determinant Factors For Small And Medium Size Business To Achieve Innovation, High Performance And Competitiveness: Systemic Planning, Organizational Learning And Transformational Leadership ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp 51-61 , 2015

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