
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.4 Issue 2, pp 171-179,Year 2015


Claudia Soto,JesúsJuárez, Imelda González, Esther Uría,Luis Raya, Mónica Ruiz, Natalia García

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Received : 18 April 2015; Accepted : 25 April 2015 ; Published : 30 April 2015

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Article No. 10515

In impairedglucosetolerance (IGT) –a major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM)–reportedcomplicationsincluderetinopathy, renal disease, polyneuropathy and dyslipidemia. Additionally, impaired β cell function has been demonstrated. Renal diseasemay be related to local insulinaction, as itstimulatessodiumreabsorption and nitric oxide production. Recently, we found that rat kidneys are able to produce insulin as well as the Pdx-1 and Nkx6.1 transcription factors, which play a key role in differentiation of β-cells and insulin expression, under standard physiological conditions. In this work, we investigated the expression of insulin and its related transcription factors in the kidneys of rats which were administered a 30% sucrose solution for six months, to induce an IGT model. Theseanimalsshowed a significantdecrease in the renal genicexpression of insulin and itsrelatedtranscriptionfactors and consequently, a decline in itstissuedetectionthroughimmunohistochemistry. Also, IGT animals showed renal tissue damage at the cortex and medulla. In addition to IGT, sucrosetreatedratspresentedhyperinsulinemia, increasedtryglicerides and a decrement in HDL blood levels. We suggest that as in the pancreas, IGT leads to a decline in local insulinproduction in thekidney and thereforeanimpairment in sodiumreabsorption and nitric oxide production. This may contribute to kidney tissue damage.

Key Words   
kidney, insulin, pancreatic transcription factors, Pdx-1, Nkx6.1, impaired glucose toleranc
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To cite this article

Claudia Soto,JesúsJuárez, Imelda González, Esther Uría,Luis Raya, Mónica Ruiz, Natalia García , " Insulin Gene Expression And Its Detection In The Kidneys Of Rats With Impaired Glucose Tolerance ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 4, Issue 2, pp 171-179 , 2015

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