
International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology

DOI:10.29111/ijlrst   ISRA Impact Factor:3.35,  Peer-reviewed, Open-access Journal

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International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology Vol.2 Issue 2, pp 124-128,Year 2013


Farah Hanna Zawaideh

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Received : 29 March 2013; Accepted : 25 April 2013 ; Published : 30 April 2013

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Article No. 10176

The e-commerce is a very critical issue in information transfer because of the money is the manipulated variable. The criticality, danger, and higher priority importance of any e-commerce transfer makes it to be hot area of interest in modern computer science and informatics. The security of e-commerce transfer is an issue of computer system and informatics rather that the issue of administration. One key element that provides higher security for modern e-commerce systems is the cryptography. The cryptography is commonly known that software-based encryption has built-in security weaknesses due to storing and managing digital certificates/keys in a high-risk environment such as a local hard disk or software. The cryptography methodologies are based on complex mathematical formulation, calculus, and non-linear algebraic math. Which leads to use an embedded hardware in order to encrypt the required message and thus, makes it more reliable, and more ease to implement. In fact, the embedded encryptor represents a superior solution. Actually, the most of used embedded hardware encryption modules requires additional software to module and achieve the secure e-commerce application. Thus, it increases the cost and doubles the systems complexity. This paper, contributes new embedded encryptor based on DSP to build a rigid cryptography module. The contributed algorithm is based on RSA encryption algorithm. It is implemented and adapted to provide trusted security level on any transaction of e-commerce with respect to client, and administration. This research integrates the DSP based embedded encryption to build a module that combines both, programming flexibility and computational power. It targets the common web browsers those are commonly used in e-commerce applications. This integrated system is intended to process and store the e-commerce transactions in sensitive data inside the hardware that is used to be plugged inside the computer. This paper increases the security strength and limits the overhead by adapting the common available web browsers, thus, completing the transactions applications that required in high efficiency. The web with full functionality of e-commerce is a system that developed to measure the validity of the contributed system and algorithm. The contribution of this paper is to perform an RSA encryption that is pluggable to the computer, and it is capable to encrypt and store the critical e-commerce transitioned, it is also based on common web browsers.

Key Words   
Encryption, RSA, Security, E-Commerce, DSP, Web Browsing
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To cite this article

Farah Hanna Zawaideh , " E-comerce Secure Transfer Based On Embedded Dsp ", International Journal of Latest Research in Science and Technology . Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp 124-128 , 2013

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